In order to create an employment environment where women can play an active role, and to recruit and train female employees who will be responsible for the management of the company in the future, we will formulate the following action plan.
1. Period of plan
April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2025 (3 years)
2. Challenges facing our company
- 1.The percentage of female career-track employees is low, and there are very few women in managerial positions.
- 2.There are few female applicants for technology-related career-track positions.
3. Targets, initiatives, implementation period
Target 1
At least double the number of female employees in career-track positions from the current eight (five in engineering, one in sales, two in clerical work) to at least 16. In particular, make the number in engineering at least ten.
- April 2022 -
We will interview female employees about the specifics of their work and clarify once again what makes our work appealing and worthwhile from a female perspective. - June 2022 -
To provide clearly defined job descriptions for female employees and to communicate what makes our work appealing and worthwhile from a female perspective, we will polish our recruitment brochures and website (special recruitment site) and proactively promote them both internally and externally. - July 2022 -
As part of our review of recruitment methods, we will establish an internal recruiting system and appoint several female employees from various positions as recruiters. We will also provide a number of opportunities for direct dialogue between female applicants and female employees during the recruitment and selection process.
Target 2
To proactively support skill development and career advancement for female employees, we will reform corporate (employee) awareness and behavior.
- April 2022 -
To support further skill development and career advancement, we will systematically provide education for male and female employees with motivation, regardless of their employment category (e.g. career-track employees, general employees), through external seminars and theme-specific training. - June 2022 -
We will provide manager-level employees once again with internal education on the Labor Standards Act, the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, and on the prevention of harassment in all its forms, and ensure thorough compliance. We will also raise awareness of the promotion of women's advancement and foster a workplace environment for it. - January 2023 -
Based on the results of our efforts in the first half of FY2022, we will proactively promote the conversion of general employees to career-track employees for those with particular motivation and ability, and we will continue to provide them with company-wide support as candidates for future senior management.
Target 3
In order for female employees to be able to imagine playing a successful role in our company while balancing work and family life, we will develop an efficient workplace environment (meaning a workplace with high labor productivity) and further enhance the remote working environment so that employees can balance work and personal lives.
- April 2022 -
We will re-publicize measures taken with specific consideration for female employees (such as women-only break rooms and recommendations for gynecological checkups) and continue to support female employees so that they can work in good health and good spirits and perform to the absolute best of their abilities. - April 2022 -
We will support the balance of work and family life with flexible working styles by using the in-house newsletter and other communications to promote once again the various leave systems for childbirth and childcare. - April 2022 -
To ensure that female employees are not subject to unfavorable treatment in personnel evaluations due to the time constraints during childcare, we will provide education to evaluators (manager-level employees) once again and continue to implement fair personnel evaluations that strictly prioritize the evaluatee's labor productivity, without hindering their ability to balance work and family life.
4. Publishing Information on Female Success
1. Providing opportunities in employees’ working livesPublished information | FY | Percentage |
Percentage of women workers employed | FY2023 | 26.6% |
Percentage of women workers in the workforce | FY2023 | Career-track employees: 5.6% General employees: 100.0% |
Percentage of women workers in management positions | FY2023 | 1.3% |
Wage Gap between Men and Women (Ratio of women's wages to men's wages) |
FY2023 | All employees 67.2% Regular employment 68.3% Non-regular employment 63.7% |
A Note on Wage Discrepancies
- ※Target period: 2023 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)
- ※Wages: Includes base salary, compensation for overtime work, bonuses, etc., but excludes retirement allowances, commuting allowances, etc.
- ※Full-time employees: Includes employees seconded outside the company.
- ※Part/fixed-term employees: Includes contract employees, part-time employees, contract employees, and part-time workers, but excludes dispatched employees.
- ※Including affiliated companies, excluding long absences.
- ※In each employee category, such as career-track employees and general-track employees, although there are some differences in wages between men and women due to differences in the number of employees and the number of years of employment, treatment decisions such as promotions and wages are, of course, the same regardless of gender. wages, and there is no wage disparity.
Published information | FY | Value |
Gender difference in average years of service | FY2023 | Male employees: 14.1 years Female employees: 14.9 years |
Average overtime hours per worker per month | FY2023 | 12.0hours |
Percentage of employees utilizing paid leave | FY2023 | 72.2% |